Our mission is spread the good news in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles about the ways that social enterprise can help sustain our faith communities and bring to life our boldest dreams of what God is calling us to be and do.
Formed in 2017 as an offering of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, Episcopal Enterprises is providing an innovative platform for the church to engage in social enterprise in order to create greater capacity for ministry and better sustain our communities and our parishes. Episcopal Enterprises was born out of many conversations between innovative Episcopal clergy and lay people working to develop alternative ways to fund powerful visions for ministry beyond what churches can simply collect in pledges and tithes.
| Rev. Jaime Edwards-Acton
The Rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Churchin Hollywood, Father Jaime has been engaged in Social Enterprise for over 20 years with successful and creative offerings like the Hope Garden, Jubilee Consortium's Episcopal Urban Intern Program, and Delaney Wright Fine Arts Preschooloffering integral services and value to community while creating jobs and sustainability for the parish at St. Stephen's
| Betsy Densmore
Betsy Densmore has a long career of providing leadership and developing leadership in others. Currently, she is Founder/Managing Director of the Academies for Social Entrepreneurship, an educational organization dedicated to linking the passion of social purpose with sustainable business practices and principles. She is also a dedicated vestry member at St. John's Episcopal Church in Costa Mesa.
| Tim Alderson
Tim Alderson is Executive Director of Seeds of Hope, the food justice ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. His lifetime in agriculture has included nearly 20 years as CEO of AgriGator, Inc., a multi-national soil amendment manufacturer, as well as numerous industry boards including the board of directors of the National Agri-Marketing Association. As founding chairman of the California School Garden Network, Tim was appointed by two California governors to the board of the Schools Agriculture and Nutrition Program where he currently serves as President.
| Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy
Reverend Canon Melissa McCarthy serves as canon to the ordinary for the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. She began her call to ministry at St. George's Church, Riverside. She was ordained to the transitional diaconate and to the priesthood in January 2006. Possessing a master's degree in homiletics through the Church Divinity School of the Pacific-along with a master’s in Divinity, Rev. Canon McCarthy has developed a range of education and formation programs- including, the development of the Red Door Vineyard.
| Bishop John Taylor
A lifelong Episcopalian, Taylor was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1954, the son of journalists and formerly served as chief of staff to former President Richard M. Nixon and later as the executive director of the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, Calif. The Rt. Rev. John H. Taylor began ministry as seventh bishop of the six-county Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles on Dec. 1, 2017. Taylor has written two novels, Patterns of Abuseand Jackson Place,in addition to numerous newspaper and magazine articles and a blog, "The Episconixonian."