“Social Entrepreneurship is about creativity and unique ideas - but at the same time, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Episcopal Enterprises offers vital access to resources, networking, and education to make sure your idea is a hit.”
| Connecting You to a Bold Vision.
You don't have to do all of this alone. There is a community of visionary individuals to share in the process of building creative, sustainable future for the Church. We're here to connect you to that network.
| INsight for a Sustainable Future.
Check out these excellent articles and resources to fine tune the ideas, planning, and execution behind your ideas for creative sustainability.
Social Enterprise Alliance
+ Academies for Social Entrepreneurship
- Social Enterprise Toolkit
- Definition of Terms
- Legal Structure for Social Enterprise
+ Criterion Institute
+ Christian Community Development Association
+ Robert Wexler: Legal Framework for Earned Income
+ Robert Wexler: Corporate Sponsorship FAQ
+ Robert Wexler: Effective Social Enterprise - A Menu of Legal Structures
+ Nourishing Spirits Center Sample Facilities Use Documents
- Facilities Use Agreement
- Intake Form - One Time Event
- Intake Form - Program
... So much more to come!
| Training You for a Bright Tomorrow.
You have the ideas. We want to give you the training and education you need to launch a successful social venture that will help you better serve the community while building a more sustainable future for your church. Our curriculum is an accessible but thorough tool for those just getting started and those ready to make the next step.
Social Enterprise Academy
The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles' Bishop John Taylor has come to see social enterprise as a valuable tool for creating sustainability and funding ministry in our churches. The aim of the Academy is to help churches imagine and identify social enterprise possibilities in their own context and prepare and equip churches with the knowledge and tools to implement their idea(s) and ensure its success.
The Academy will:
Provide the training and technical assistance needed for practical idea investigation and operational planning;
Create an organizational climate that embraces entrepreneurship and business accountability;
Provide comfort with exploration, market research and feasibility studies for new ventures and clarity about your best opportunities;
Produce income through the sale of mission-related products or services;
Ensure internal mastery in the business development process so you can repeat again and again.